A Very Exciting Email from Ukraine

My friend George (he was our regional facilitator for our adoption and has become our dear friend) sent me a message today. A month or so ago, I sent a letter and some pictures to the orphan services director in Romaniv (Alla – she helped us SO much get Micah). (I used google translator to translate the letter into Russian before I sent it). I never heard anything from them so didn’t know for sure they had gotten it and when I had dinner with George a couple of weeks ago when I was in Kiev, he said he’d check on it for me. He did and here’s the result…
Not only did they get it, but they printed a spread in the newspaper in Romaniv (that’s where the institution is that Micah was in…hidden away from the world).
We were the first people to EVER adopt from Romaniv and we were adopting from the mental institution to boot! People did NOT understand no matter how much we explained. So now, they see that we didn’t bring the boys back and sell their organs and in fact they are reading how well the boys are doing and the medical care that they have recieved. Praise God! It’s amazing how the ripples continue to spread from all the God has done! Pray that as people have read the article and will continue to read it that they understand the great value these children have in the sight of the the Father to the fatherless!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!