Off to the city again in a few minutes. We were there all day yesterday it seemed like. We had Russian lesson for three hours, two hours there, two hours back… Oy! But we are very thankful for our teacher and for the opportunity to study with her. She’s highly acclaimed.
Today, I am going to town to get our Permanent Residency process started. You might be thinking that we already did that. No, alas, that was just temporary residency (for one year – that can be extended up to three years). Permanent status will be, well, permanent. Meaning we will be permanent, legal citizens of Ukraine with all rights (except voting and holding public office — rats, I can’t be pres. after all!).
The process takes abut 6-8 months so we didn’t want to let it drag to the last minute and hope to get it done. We want to stay ahead of the ball. Thankfully, much of what we did for our temporary carries over and we just provide more copies of those things. There are a few additional things to do but it’s all paperwork and just takes time, and is not difficult. Phew.
The snow stopped late yesterday! Maybe no snow today after all. We will see.
Thanking God for all He is doing and for His presence in our lives.
Bless the Name of the Lord.