MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Here we are! We sprung em! Matthew left the orphanage at 11:30 a.m. and Micah left the Mental Institution at 1:30 p.m.!!!!!!!!! Okay…I asked ya’ll to pray for a miracle today. I didn’t even know what I was asking you to pray for but I felt God prompting me to ask you to pray. Let me back track a bit…
Yesterday, I think I told you about the Ministry of Social Defense and that we had to have approval from them to remove Micah from the institution. It doesn’t matter that we had a court decree and everyone had signed off. Well, George saw the guy 3 or 4 times and he kept saying he’d do it, but he didn’t understand…etc. He finally said last night at 6:00 p.m. that he would do it and fax it to the institution by 10:00 a.m. this morning. Well, we found out this morning that not only did he not do it, he left town this morning to avoid making a decision. No comment. George’s comment to us as we were about to dress Matthew to leave the orphanage was “They are not going to let you have Misha.” Believe it or not, I didn’t panic. We have been trusting God and just knew that His hand was in control. Also, we were unable to apply for passports yesterday because we needed something from both orphanages to get it done that we didn’t know about previously (some new rules or something). So at the end of the day, we hadn’t really gotten anywhere. So I asked you to pray. We got to Romaniv to the institution. We sat in the car while George went in to get some papers. I felt that I needed to asked a couple of people here to pray so I texted them and asked them to pray for a specific miracle. It wasn’t 10 minutes until George came out and said he needed us to come in and sign the papers. I didn’t know what the papers were, but the longer we were in there, it became obvious (I can catch a word or two here and there and sometimes understand what’s going on…other times, I just get it completely wrong) that they were going to let us take Micah right then. I asked George if I understood right and he said yes, we were taking him. He said that they knew what was happening with this guy and said it was crazy and that they would take care of it. MIRACLE #1!!!! Praise God. We were on cloud nine! So it was off to Zhytomyr to apply for the passports. We were hoping the right man was going to be there to get the old style passports so we could get them quicker. We had hoped to get them by 6 tonight or first thing in the morning at the worst. We sat in the car with both boys and Mary went to take Micah for a walk and George came to the car and said to come sign some papers. I asked him if we would get the passports today or not. He said, they’ll be ready in 10 minutes. It took ONE HOUR to get what often take 3-5 days!!!!!!! MIRACLE #2!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Here they are! The miracle passports. It has been very overwhelming tonight and we are certainly in for a difficult time, but God has brought us this far and will not be leaving us now. We know that. Tomorrow we go to the hospital for health checks and to get our visas. Unfortunately, we can’t get plane tickets until next Tuesday. There is some big event in OKC apparently. So…we’ll be home Tuesday night. We don’t know the time yet, but we’ll know soon. But Tuesday’s the day. The only problem…I have the flu now. Mary is quite a bit better, but I have it now. Ugh. It’s terrible. My chest and back are on fire from the coughing. Mary described it, but it’s hard to understand until you feel it. Please pray for me. Tomorrow will probably be worse than today. Thanks for your love and your prayers. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!! Psalm 119:19-33 Love you all.