No pics from this morning’s visit. We were on the “veranda” again. That’s what one of the care takers calls the mud room. We’ve been relegated there it seems for the remainder of the visit. Today…the Loux’s, Aiden and Emma joined us. They’ve been relegated there too. So we rearranged the big play pen in there to make more room for all of us.
Matthew had a great time this morning. He was so happy. Just all smiles and giggles. We enjoyed our time with him. We are looking forward to seeing Micah on Wednesday. We wish he was closer to us! But all in due time. 🙂 We love that little peanut.
Hope you enjoyed our week two! Week three is underway…
Pray for our court on Friday. It’s at 2:00 pm our time (6:00 a.m. your time). It should last for about 1 hour. Please pray that the judge will offer a waiver for the 10 day waiting period. That would be super!!
I’ll share the scriptures that God bathed me in this morning later today in my second post after our evening visit.
Till then…
All our love to you!
Be blessed.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.