Circling the Airport

We are in our final holding pattern.  We are in the Dallas area to visit family before our trek across the ocean.  All of our possessions are in 33 suitcases and a few backpacks (and a few stacks that we need to decide if we are taking or not).  We are all spread out in my moms house.  Her house isn’t tiny, but it’s not used to having 10 extra people in it.  Did I mention that we have a stomach bug going around?  Child #2 is sick today.  We are wondering who is next.  We are hoping no one.

I got the opportunity to go down to Houston on Wednesday to work one a web project and came home late Friday night.  It was a great diversion that focussed my mind on something besides the fact that I don’t have a job.  That’s been harder than I thought it would be.  Indeed, when the door closed behind me at the church Sunday night, the click of the lock echoed in my head all the way back to the house and throughout the night.  Then driving out of Moore on Monday evening seemed so final.  Lots of sad goodbyes to people and things.  

So now we wait.  We wait on the next chapter to begin.  We wait on the Lord.  Our options of how we deal with it are endless.  We are choosing to worship Him during this time and expect Him to show His mightiness.  Again.  And again.  There are moments when we are terrified.  There are moments when our grief of what was and will no longer be becomes suffocating.  There are moments when the enemy whispers in our ear terrible lies about ourselves, our situation, our future and other people.  But we wait on Him.  Our Father and Sustainer and the real Lover of our souls.

As you wait with us…would you pray?  God knows our future and our current needs.  He knows His plan.  Yet…somehow the prayers of the saints make a difference.  So thank you for praying for us.

Psalm 62

1 I am at rest in God alone;

my salvation comes from Him.

2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,[2]

my stronghold; I will never be shaken.[3]

3 How long will you threaten a man?

Will all of you attack[4]

as if he were a leaning wall

or a tottering stone fence?

4 They only plan to bring him down

from his high position.

They take pleasure in lying;

they bless with their mouths,

but they curse inwardly.• Selah

5 Rest in God alone, my soul,

for my hope comes from Him.

6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my stronghold; I will not be shaken.

7 My salvation and glory depend on God;

my strong rock, my refuge, is in God.

8 Trust in Him at all times, you people;

pour out your hearts before Him.

God is our refuge.Selah

9 • Men are only a vapor;[5]

exalted men, an illusion.

On a balance scale, they go up;

together they [weigh]* less than a vapor.

10 Place no trust in oppression,

or false hope in robbery.

If wealth increases,

pay no attention to it.[6] [7]

11 God has spoken once;

I have heard this twice:

strength belongs to God,

12 and faithful love belongs to You, Lord.

For You repay each according to his works.[8]

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!